14 Mar 2013
Oxford Business Group is pleased to announce its media partnership with the 2nd Annual Port Expansion Summit which will be held on 14 – 15 March 2013, in Turkey. In this respect we send you the following message from the conference organisers:
Dear Oxford Business Group Subscribers,
2nd Annual Port Expansion Summit: Developing the Port Sector in Turkey, Black Sea and South East Mediterranean
14th&15th March 2013, Istanbul, Turkey
Port expansion in the Turkey and Black Sea region is continuing at a steady pace. For Turkey, investment figures of 6.2 trend billion USD have recently been published.
The 2nd Annual Port Expansion Summit 2013 will feature prominent industry leaders and government officials from across the globe providing informative and inspiring discussions about the current needs and ambitious future for Turkey and the Black Sea. Turkey welcomes the international community to this forum where they can discover new strategies and technologies to assist in building the port industry to accommodate demand from domestic and international markets.
Port Series Speakers 2012
Özgür Kalelioğlu
Port Servıce Group Director
Arkas Holding
Rony Saab
Erkan Kaptan
Project Director
Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Investment Support and Promotion Agency (ISPAT)
Ph.Dbojan Hlača
Executive Director
Port of Rijeka Authority
President of North Adriatic Port Association(NAPA)
Sylianos Aggeloudis
Chairman and CEO
Port of Thessaloniki Authority
Caroline van Doorn
Senior Advisor European & International Affairs
Port of Rotterdam
Peter Van den Dries
Technical Manager Environment
Port of Antwerp
Yuriy Kizlevych
Deputy Director Port Operation Services
Odessa Commercial Sea Port
Hüseyin Özhan
Principal Banker – Transport Team
Stavros Hatzakos
General Manager
Piraeus Port Authority SA
At Noppen’s 2nd Annual Port Expansion Summit
- Meet pre-qualified industry leaders
- Discover the current investment climate and opportunities
- Increase your brand recognition within the marketplace
- Create new partnerships and alliances
- Develop relationships through new networking opportunities
Please visit the website for more information: http://www.noppen.com.cn/upcoming/P1301/index.asp