Third Party Event

30 Jan 2017 - 31 Jan 2017

The 2nd Annual Marine Data Infrastructure GCC 2017 will provide a platform for interaction between government policymakers and marine industry experts to discuss, evaluate and support new projects planned through 2020, as well as exchange data.

The conference will be held on January 30-31, 2017 at the Sheraton Grand Hotel Dubai, UAE. 
Topics to be discussed include:

•    Creating marine navigation intelligence charts and data for those using the waterways (shipping, sailing, port authorities, etc.) 
•    Building marine data systems that can survey and monitor the environment to ensure safe navigation 
•    Multi-information data, including scanning data, manometer data (using magnets), sub-bottom profiling and multi-sensor data 
•    Mapping and cartography for navigation and offshore projects and construction, geographic information systems and software 
•    Establishing national oceanographic data centres 
•    Automatisation and remote control data monitoring to avoid the need to shut down operations in order to collect data samples for critical shipping safety information 
•    Integration of technology and satellite data that may be used for environmental monitoring, marine life protection, marine weather and cartography purposes 
•    Monitoring the impact of climate change on costal and sea vegetation (algae and grass) to support sustainable marine environmental management
•    Utilisation of hyper-spectral and multi-spectral remote-sensing data for bathymetry mapping
You can also visit to see full details on the confirmed speakers and the topics to be discussed.