Third Party Event

23 Jul 2013

Oxford Business Group is pleased to announce its media partnership with the 17th Malaysian Banking Summit which will be held on 23 – 24 July, in Malaysia. In this respect we send you the following message from the conference organisers:

Dear Oxford Business Group Subscribers,

The 17th Malaysian Banking Summit

“Future Banking : Driving Growth, Prosperity and Transformation”

23rd & 24th July 2013  Istana Hotel Kuala Lumpur

The 17th Malaysian Banking Summit will address some of the key issues of concern within the region’s banking and financial sector. The event will bring together leaders from banking sector, leading businessmen, analysts, corporate managers and government officials to discuss the future of banking and the role of banks in Malaysia.

Click here for more information

The Summit will provide timely updates and sharing of knowledge along with practices and discussions designed to enhance the delivery of banking services and to upgrade the performance of banks in the country. The summit will aid the participants in setting set strategies and taking appropriate actions to face key challenges and emerging opportunities in future.

Who Should Attend

  • Chairmen, Board Members, Managing Directors, Executive Directors, C-Suite Executives and Senior Management of Domestic and Global Commercial Banks, Corporate & Investment Banks, Islamic Banks and Development Financial Institutions
  • Government bodies & agencies involved in policy formation, regulation and research
  • Economists, Investment & Research Analysts, Fund Managers from Rating Agencies, Fund & Asset Management Companies
  • Corporate Lawyers, Shariah Scholars & Advisors, Auditors and Consultants specializing in the Banking and Finance Industry
  • Business and Technology Consultants & Solution Providers

The 17th Malaysian Banking Summit will provide the following benefits:

  • Strategic, timely and relevant programme with extensive practical research on what the industry needs to do to seek improvements and upgrading of skills, talent and competencies
  • Abundant networking opportunities
  • Interactive platform for ideas interchange – share ideas, challenges and collectively brainstorm for practical solutions
  • Practical approach on how to nurture women capital and develop talent
  • Update on latest policies and trends by Second Finance Minister
  • Relevant solutions on integrating people and technology to enhance operational efficiency and how to market to affluent customers and Gen Y

For more information please contact:

Ms Juliana Lui


Click here for more information