
Gabon rejoins OPEC and boosts hydrocarbons production

At the beginning of July 2016 Gabon rejoined the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) after an absence of more than two decades. This comes as Gabonese authorities look for enhanced coordination with other global oil producers to alleviate some of the pressure of low energy prices and help cultivate an environment more conducive to expanding domestic production. Back Into The Fold While…


Gabon see results from new national health care scheme

Health care coverage in Gabon has been transformed over the last decade by a comprehensive state-backed public scheme, the National Health Insurance and Social Security Fund (Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Maladie et de Garantie Sociale, CNAMGS). The initiative, on which the World Health Organisation (WHO) provided advice, was created in 2007 and began registering low-income Gabonese, including students,…


Gabon moves agro-industry forward with value-added growth

The launch of a new grain processing facility and oil palm plantation mark the latest steps forward for the agro-industrial sector in Gabon. With low oil prices constraining the country’s largest source of export revenues and slowing headline growth, the Gabonese government has sought to accelerate economic diversification through the Emerging Gabon Strategic Plan, placing a particular emphasis on…


Gabon establishes special economic zones and offers investors benefits

As part of its economic diversification strategy, Gabon is developing three new special economic zones (SEZs), offering companies a range of investment incentives, each of which is to be dedicated to the development of different industrial sectors. Up & Running The first zone to have been launched is the Nkok SEZ, work on which began in 2010, and it began exporting goods in 2015. The zone is…


Gabon dealing with lower oil and energy prices

Following a sharp drop since mid-2014 in the international price of oil, which is by far Gabon’s biggest source of export and fiscal revenues, the country is in the midst of a significant oil price shock. However, the government is better placed to avoid a pro-cyclical response than in previous oil crises, and the financial sector appears to have in large part recovered from the initial shock of…


Gabon awaiting approval of new forestry regulations

When the ban on timber exports was enacted in 2010, operators and experts in the field voiced strong concerns over the adjustment period within the moratorium, stating that the forestry sector was not sufficiently prepared for such sudden and radical changes. The moratorium brought in its wake various drawbacks, with lasting results still visible today. Operators had to terminate all ongoing contracts…