Covid Response Report

Rapport : Comment le PE et le VC peuvent stimuler la croissance post-pandémique en Afrique

La pandémie a créé un besoin urgent de plus de capital patient en Afrique. Les gouvernements de tout le continent étant confrontés à des contraintes budgétaires tout en reconnaissant l'importance des investissements dans les infrastructures et les services essentiels, le PE et le VC offrent une voie intéressante pour le soutien financier. La pandémie a également accéléré la numérisation…

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Data Protection

The importance of strong cybersecurity measures became more evident as companies shifted operations online amid the pandemic. The volume of additional transactions and communications in Egypt and the wider Middle East carried out over the internet exacerbated concerns about cyberthreats that existed before Covid-19; cybercrime in Egypt rose by 190% between 2012 and 2017, according to the Cabinet’s…

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Developing Tech Talent

Like many countries, Egypt is adapting to the changing needs of employers by working to prepare a large youth population for indemand jobs – many of which require at least a basic set of tech skills. The public and private sectors are seeking to address the gap between the abilities of graduates and the needs of employers: in 2019 three technology universities were opened in New Cairo City, Quesna…

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From Cash to Digital Payments

While blockchain is still in its infancy in Egypt, digital payments have gained traction in recent years as the authorities have worked to encourage financial inclusion and cashless transactions. Around 43.1m people made $10.25bn worth of digital payment transactions in 2019, up 13% by value that year, according to a report from We Are Social and Hootsuite. The study found that 32% of adults had…