
Import replacement benefits Algeria's pharmaceuticals

Pharmaceuticals is one of Algeria’s most dynamic manufacturing industries. The state-owned SAIDAL group is the main producer, and there were approximately 80 other local and foreign manufacturers operating in the segment in 2018. Following the 2009 imposition of restrictions on the import of goods that can be produced locally, national output has grown rapidly, leading to rising levels of self-sufficiency.…


Expanding irrigation infrastructure high on Algeria's agenda

Agriculture in Algeria is primarily rain-fed and often suffers from droughts, which have worsened in recent years due to climate change. The government, therefore, has plans to expand irrigation networks to cover 2m ha, or 25% of arable land, by 2021 – 700,000 ha more than the 1.3m ha irrigated in 2018. This need was recognised some years ago, with the 2015-19 development plan allocating $18bn to…


Algeria's diplomatic relations contribute to rising levels of foreign trade

Since achieving independence in 1962, Algeria has pursued an activist foreign policy, pushing interests of developing countries through the Non-Aligned Movement, as well as in groups like the G-77. Current president of the republic, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, served as the 29th president of the UN General Assembly in 1974 during his lengthy term performing as the country’s minister of foreign affairs. During…


LPG central to increasing Algeria's domestic production

Despite being a major oil producer, Algeria is a net fuel importer and is thus in the paradoxical position of being rich in hydrocarbons but lacking in refined products. It is currently in the process of developing its refining operations in order to satisfy domestic fuel demand, which has grown steadily since the 2000s. Reducing Fuel Imports The development of refining activities is now more urgent…


Gas as a viable energy alternative in Algeria

As oil output declines and fields mature, state-owned Sonatrach is relying more on Algeria’s extensive gas reserves to maintain exports while meeting growing domestic demand, with gas the focus of its SH2030 Leading the Change transformation strategy. There are two unconventional and offshore exploration wells planned for 2019, seven for 2020 and 12 in 2021 – with half to be carried out by Sonatrach…


Algeria's solar and wind power industries grow

In November 2018 the government released a new series of tenders for electricity production from renewable sources. A total of 200 MW of solar capacity is available for development, of which 150 MW can be bid on by international independent power producers (IPPs) in partnership with local firms, while 50 MW are reserved for state-owned utilities operator Sonelgaz. This is a key step in opening up the…


Builders respond to rapid global urbanisation with more efficient spaces

In 2008, for the first time in history, more than half of humanity was living in urban areas. Perhaps the most remarkable observation about this trend is the speed at which it has happened: as recently as 1900 urban areas accounted for 13% of the global population. Towns and cities are seen as the crucibles of opportunity for many rural dwellers. The UN estimates that by 2030 urban areas will…


Rail and road infrastructure developments in Algeria forge ahead

Meeting the country’s growing transport needs remains a priority for the Algerian government. The national development plan 2015-19 allocates AD832.7bn (€6bn) to upgrade, modernise and expand the country’s air, rail, road and maritime capacity, with significant progress already made on each of these fronts. Foreign direct investment (FDI) is being actively sought as the authorities look…


Rapid expansion of the global aviation industry propels investment

The aviation sector is experiencing rapid growth worldwide, propelled by booming tourism industries, lower air fares and the push for greater connectivity in an increasingly globalised economy. Middle-class expansion has also spurred growth in air travel, as more people are able to afford flights for holidays or business-related travel. According to Boeing, commercial airlines experienced annual…


Infrastructure developments support Algeria's growing population and exports

In an effort to meet the infrastructure needs of a growing population and facilitate increasing exports of industrial and agricultural products and minerals, the government sees a robust and stable construction industry as a key component of their vision for the future. Even as the overall economy in the country has slowed, the sector has remained a consistent engine of growth. The building…