Taking the lead: Regulatory changes improve labour protections

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Migrant labour has played a key role in the development and diversification of Gulf economies in recent decades, and Qatar is no exception. The population of the six GCC members in 1970 was 7.8m. Aided by the oil boom that began in that decade, the population started to rise, fuelled by the migration of both skilled and non-skilled workers required to develop hydrocarbons resources, staff construction projects and work in fast-growing service industries catering to the swelling population. By early 2022 the population of the GCC exceeded 54m, reflecting the opportunities in the region. Migrant Workforce For many individuals in the developing world, the GCC

The Americas Home

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Your browser does not support the video tag. Víctor Gobitz, CEO, Antamina Peruvian mining focuses on technology and human development In this Global Platform video, Víctor Gobitz, CEO of Peruvian mining company Antamina, discusses how the industry is leveraging new technologies while prioritising the development of highland communities. These focuses converge to advance the ESG standards of the mining sector. “Latin America ESG Intelligence” Economic News ESG Report: How technological advances and sustainability practices are transforming Peru’s economy The mining, agriculture and financial services sectors are essential pillars of GDP, and are fundamental to Peru’s socio-economic development and exports. Economic News Report: How are stakeholders

Éric N’guessan-Managing Partner-EY Côte d’Ivoire

Clear roadmaps: Certain sectors benefit from dedicated building plans

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As part of a coordinated approach to infrastructure development, the government has launched various construction programmes in recent years that allow for measurable, tangible progress. Agenda 111 In response to Ghana’s shortage of health care facilities that was highlighted by the Covid-19 pandemic, the government launched Agenda 111, which involves the construction of 111 hospitals throughout the country. The project entails the building of 101 district hospitals, seven regional hospitals and two specialised hospitals, while Effia-Nkwanta Regional Hospital, located in the Western Region, will undergo extensive renovations. Sites had been identified for 88 of the 101 district hospitals as of August 2021, with the government

Sheikh Ahmad Duaij Jaber Al Sabah-Chairman-Commercial Bank of Kuwait

Modern practices: Agri-tech solutions boost access to financing, markets and input information, and facilitate mechanisation

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The pandemic has shone a light on vulnerabilities in the agriculture sector, and underscored the importance of ensuring food security and strengthening the agricultural chain. Some of the major problems that Nigerian farmers face include limited access to information and the market, insufficient financial support, and logistics and transport issues. However, agri-tech solutions are offering new support for farmers on these challenges. Financing As traditional financing meets less than 3% of smallholder credit needs globally, crowdfunding is becoming an important financing tool in Africa, with

Sheikh Ahmad Duaij Jaber Al Sabah-Chairman-Commercial Bank of Kuwait

Bigger picture: Higher education institutions play a key role in meeting the needs of the region’s post-Covid-19 economy

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While higher education institutions have been effective in developing short-term solutions to some of the challenges associated with the Covid-19 pandemic, they can also play a key role in realising long-term governmental development strategies that can boost the prospects of a sustainable recovery. This is a particularly pressing issue for countries in the Gulf, many of which are deploying long-term strategies to reduce their dependence on hydrocarbons revenues. Driving Transformation One prominent example of this tendency is Saudi Arabia, the largest oil exporter in the

Theo Williams-Country Manager-AJEAST Nigeria

Accelerated transition: The pandemic has intensified the shift towards renewable energy

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The year 2020 was a dramatic one for the global energy sector, with the Covid-19 pandemic slashing demand for hydrocarbons and upending market norms. Seeing that investment in oil and gas took a hit while renewable energy remained resilient, the pandemic is expected to result in a permanent realignment of the international energy market. Oil Price Crisis Travel restrictions and government-imposed lockdowns designed to halt the spread of Covid-19 had a considerable impact on energy demand worldwide. Moreover, with industrial capacity significantly reduced due to social-distancing requirements and disrupted shipments, the need for oil and other forms of energy was significantly reduced over this period. This fall

Éric N’guessan-Managing Partner-EY Côte d’Ivoire

Knock-on effect: The government’s plans to increase financial inclusion have opened up the potential for new mobile insurance products

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  Since Prime Minister James Marape took office in May 2019, the government has continued to implement a number of strategies aimed at increasing the accessibility of financial services. The National Financial Inclusion Strategy 2016-20 seeks to promote digital services and more inclusive insurance, while the Financial Sector Development Strategy 2018-30 advocates the use of financial technology to advance branchless banking services in rural communities and the development of a curriculum to enhance financial literacy. Achieving these aims should be aided by recent improvements to

Nhon Luc Ly-CEO-AIA Myanmar; Son Nguyen-Country President-Chubb Life Insurance Myanmar; Daw Zarchi Tin-CEO

Game-changer: A new trade deal lays the groundwork for the acceleration of integration and intra-continental trade in Africa

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  Although trade flows among African states remain below their potential, an ambitious project is under way to accelerate economic integration and significantly expand intra-continental trade. Spearheaded by the African Union (AU), the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement was signed in March 2018 and aims to reduce both tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade. As of December 2019 the AfCFTA had the backing of 54 out of the 55 member states of the AU. With the legal framework now signed and ratified, trading

Pham Hong Hai-CEO-HSBC Vietnam

Flow plan: Increasing private investment and constructing new desalination facilities to tackle water shortages

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  Egypt’s rapidly expanding population and increasingly intensive agricultural activity have made the sustainability of its water resources an issue of national security. In the past year the government has launched a strategy aimed at solving its water challenge, and its implementation is generating some of the nation’s biggest private investment opportunities. External Pressures Egypt relies on the Nile for 90% of its water supply and is therefore vulnerable to any changes in upstream conditions. In recent years, the Blue Nile tributary in northern Ethiopia,