Nhon Luc Ly-CEO-AIA Myanmar; Son Nguyen-Country President-Chubb Life Insurance Myanmar; Daw Zarchi Tin-CEO

Powering the transition: Hydrogen holds promise for sustainable energy in the Gulf

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With hydrocarbons-rich countries in the Gulf increasingly looking to reduce their carbon emissions, some in the region are turning to multi-coloured hydrogen as a more environmentally sustainable solution. Along with renewable sources like solar and wind, hydrogen is regarded as a potential low-carbon or zero-carbon fuel that is key to the transition away from fossil fuels. However, different types of hydrogen have different impacts on the environment. Blue hydrogen is created when natural gas undergoes a steam reforming process. Although this process also produces CO , the vast majority of it is captured and stored, thereby producing a low-carbon fuel. The most environmentally friendly form

Nhon Luc Ly-CEO-AIA Myanmar; Son Nguyen-Country President-Chubb Life Insurance Myanmar; Daw Zarchi Tin-CEO

Reaching net zero: Challenges and opportunities on the path to carbon neutrality

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In November 2021 Bahrain became the third GCC member, after the UAE and Saudi Arabia, to commit to reaching net-zero carbon emissions by 2060. Although its current emissions amount to a fraction of those emitted by its neighbours, climate change poses a very real threat to the kingdom. Modelling carried out in 2017 showed that a rise in sea levels of 1.5 metres would see Bahrain lose 27% of its landmass, a figure that rises to 56% in the case of a 5-metre sea-level rise by 2100. While it has yet to lay out a detailed strategy, Bahrain’s net-zero pledge presented some of its initial

Pham Hong Hai-CEO-HSBC Vietnam

The long game: Impact of rising global oil prices on the shift towards renewables

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After opening 2022 at around $78 per barrel, Brent crude prices rose sharply over the next few months to surpass $127 on March 8 – the highest price in 14 years, driven in part by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – before moderating slightly to around $106 as of midMarch. Although investment in oil and gas has fallen by about 30% since the outbreak of the pandemic, there are signs that the increased demand and rise in prices could lead to a reversal of that trend. Carbon Tracker, a London-based climate change-focused think tank, noted in January 2022 that higher oil prices might encourage energy companies

Nhon Luc Ly-CEO-AIA Myanmar; Son Nguyen-Country President-Chubb Life Insurance Myanmar; Daw Zarchi Tin-CEO

Greener destinations: The global tourism industry looks to adopt sustainable practices in its post-pandemic recovery strategy

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The global tourism industry faces numerous challenges when it comes to decarbonisation, as highlighted by a November 2021 report from the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), in collaboration with the UN Environment Programme and multinational consulting firm Accenture. In the years prior to the pandemic the sector thrived, recording its 10th consecutive year of growth in 2019. Moreover, with 1.5bn international tourist arrivals worldwide, it contributed more than 10% of global GDP and accounted for around one in 10 jobs. However, the industry was

George Richani-CEO-Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait

Niche itineraries: Regional and domestic attractions, complemented by renewed promotional campaigns, are opening up new markets

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With tourism tipped to be an important driver of growth and recovery in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, the sector is projected to play a major role in wider economic expansion and attracting investment in the kingdom. Bahrain has several large-scale projects in the pipeline that are designed to position the country as a top destination in the region, leveraging its location in the Gulf between Qatar and Saudi Arabia, as well as its natural environment. As an archipelago with 33 white sand islands,

Nhon Luc Ly-CEO-AIA Myanmar; Son Nguyen-Country President-Chubb Life Insurance Myanmar; Daw Zarchi Tin-CEO

Expanding care: The National Health Plan seeks to improve the options available to patients and incentivise investment in health care

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Bahrain’s health sector is undergoing a series of changes under the National Health Plan (NHP) 2016-25 that are designed to improve patient choice, raise standards and encourage private sector involvement. One of the plan’s landmark reforms is the rollout of a new health insurance scheme for citizens, expatriates and visitors, known as Sehati, or “my health”. The Ministry of Health has shifted from directly providing medical care to overseeing and monitoring health services. The plan has also led to the establishment of the Health Information

Éric N’guessan-Managing Partner-EY Côte d’Ivoire

Making the grade: Public and private partnerships to improve learning outcomes

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The Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting disruption to physical interactions caused complications for all sectors of the economy. In the education sector, the pandemic created challenges to learning continuity as schools and universities had to suspend in-person learning for long periods. However, this disruption has accelerated the digitalisation of education and could strengthen the system over the long term. Continuity Solutions During the first phase of the pandemic, when the entire society was under lockdown, the government and educational institutions sought to maintain continuity through digital channels. Since people were confined to their homes, institutions began using platforms such as Blackboard, Moodle, Zoom and Microsoft

Nhon Luc Ly-CEO-AIA Myanmar; Son Nguyen-Country President-Chubb Life Insurance Myanmar; Daw Zarchi Tin-CEO

The metaverse in education: Building a digital landscape in institutes of higher learning

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In a bid to expand access and widen their reach, educational institutions are increasingly exploring the possibilities of the metaverse and associated extended-reality (XR) approaches. The metaverse comprises a range of technologies which immerse users in a virtual environment. It denotes a 3D medium that combines virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) into a new digital realm, sometimes known as XR. These environments are accessed through VR headsets and are typically immersive, interactive and social. Metaversal Access The world’s leading technology companies are investing heavily in XR. In 2021 Facebook rebranded itself as Meta, indicating how important the company believes XR will become going

Nhon Luc Ly-CEO-AIA Myanmar; Son Nguyen-Country President-Chubb Life Insurance Myanmar; Daw Zarchi Tin-CEO

Heightened concern: Governments work to counter a global rise in cyberthreats stemming from digitalisation and the shift to remote work

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Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 caused disruptions across the global economy, from food to energy, and prompted an increase in the number and sophistication of cyberattacks – exacerbating similar impacts from the Covid-19 pandemic. According to a poll of 800 chief audit executives conducted by the UK-based Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors, 77% of respondents thought the war had elevated cybersecurity and data-security risks. Senior cybersecurity analysts have said that the invasion has been accompanied by a sustained cyber-conflict, with a large number

Éric N’guessan-Managing Partner-EY Côte d’Ivoire

Interconnected world: Creating a digital ecosystem to accelerate innovation

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Bahrain was one of the regional pioneers in liberalising its telecommunications sector and was an early adopter in the GCC of a technology-based strategy to diversify its economy. Following the accelerated wave of digitalisation that accompanied the Covid-19 pandemic, Bahrain aims to enhance its digital ecosystem with the launch of the Telecommunications, ICT and Digital Economy Sector Strategy 2022-2026, which forms part of the Economic Recovery Plan to stimulate post-pandemic growth. Five target areas in the strategy include reaching 100% national broadband coverage; boosting national cybersecurity capacity by training 20,000 citizens; adding at least 200 more automated government services; increasing employment in the sector by