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The Report: Côte d'Ivoire 2013

A leading cocoa producer and exporter of low-cost power, Côte d’Ivoire is one of the more economically diverse and mineral-rich countries in West Africa. The country is a member of ECOWAS and the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa, as well as party to several international trade agreements, which help improve macro stability. 

The Report: South Africa 2013

With a long-established track record as the continent’s largest financial platform and one of the world’s biggest mining producers, South Africa has significant economic clout in the region. 

The Report: Colombia 2013

Outperforming the majority of its regional peers, Colombia has experienced steady economic growth in the past decade registering GDP growth averaging over 4%, a rate set to continue in 2013. 

The Report: Jordan 2013

The past several years have seen significant changes in Jordan. The state is pushing ahead with structural reforms that should provide a sound base for future development, as the economy shows signs of a brisk recovery from the difficult years it has faced in the wake of the global financial crisis. 

The Report: Bahrain 2013

Bahrain has remained largely insulated from international external risks and has weathered the global economic shocks of the recent past relatively well. At the height of the international financial downturn, for example, the kingdom avoided falling into recession and even achieved real GDP growth of more than 6% in 2008 and over 3% in 2009. 

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