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The Report: Panama 2015

Despite slower GDP growth of 6.2% in 2014, according to the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Panama remains one of Latin America’s fastest growing economies, a trend set to continue in coming years with the IMF forecasting average annual growth of around 6.5% over the next five years.

The Report: Indonesia 2015

Indonesia is transforming from a resources- and consumption-based economy to a more manufacturing- and investment-oriented one, working to build an industrial base that will allow it to reduce its dependence on imports and keep more value within the economy. Following his inauguration in October 2014, President Joko Widodo quickly took a number of vital and positive steps that so far are increasing opportunities for foreign direct investment.

The Report: Turkey 2015

Despite some recent turbulence, Turkey has strong fundamentals that underscore its potential for long-term economic growth. With a young population of 77.7m, a strategic location within four hours’ flying time of 1.5bn consumers and a diversified economy, the country has much to offer investors. 

The Report: Mongolia 2015

Given the significant foreign direct investment needed to achieve its development goals, Mongolia has strong motivation to improve its attractiveness to investors. The government is therefore adjusting its policies, while new laws are expected to gradually reinvigorate foreign investment flows.

The Report: Nigeria 2015

Fresh from a rebasing exercise in April 2014 that boosted 2013 GDP by 89% to $509.97bn, Nigeria now ranks not only as Africa’s most populous country, but also as its largest economy. It has long played an outsized regional role, making up 76% of West Africa’s GDP and around 60% of its population.

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