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The Report: Philippines 2016

A series of reforms initiated by the administration of President Benigno Aquino III in the last few years have boosted spending on infrastructure and opened key industries to outside investors. The reforms prompted a series of upgrades to the Philippines’ credit ratings and echo initiatives taken in the region as it embarks on greater integration through the ASEAN Economic Community.

The Report: Djibouti 2016

A small but important country, Djibouti benefits from its highly strategic location. With access to the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean beyond, the country is a significant gateway to the Horn of Africa and the wider region of East Africa.

The Report: Colombia 2016

Despite continuing external headwinds, in particular the significant drop in the price of oil since mid-2014, the Colombian economy remained resilient in 2015, expanding by 3.1%. 

The Report: Bahrain 2016

Low oil prices will undoubtedly continue to be a significant challenge for Bahrain in 2016. However the kingdom’s early moves to diversify its economy mean the country is well placed to weather the storm and non-oil segments are expected to continue performing well in 2016.

The Report: Myanmar 2016

Many have hailed Myanmar’s recent economic, political and social restructuring as ground breaking, and for good reason. In a relatively short period the country’s economy has gone from being largely isolated to being a focal point for foreign investment.

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