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The Report: Papua New Guinea 2020

The economic downturn resulting from lower global commodity prices and the completion of the PNG LNG project means the future of Papua New Guinea must be navigated with care. The country possesses plentiful natural resources, which, given effective management, could provide new revenue to spur diversification, as well as sustainable and equitable growth in all provinces.

The Report: Abu Dhabi 2020

Abu Dhabi is home to the world’s sixth-largest proven oil reserves and is working to achieve self-sufficiency in natural gas. It has been successfully pursuing diversification, particularly in terms of manufacturing, banking and ICT. While the global Covid-19 pandemic and decline in international oil prices poses challenges for the emirate, the fundamentals underpinning its economy remain strong.

The Report: Indonesia 2020

Indonesia is the world’s 16th-largest economy and presents an enticing opportunity for investors, with ongoing reform efforts and attractive demographics. Meanwhile, a booming start-up ecosystem signals the country’s rising consumer power and regional influence. While headwinds are expected to follow Covid-19, Indonesia’s strong foundations will help maintain momentum in the medium to long term.

The Report: Cote d'Ivoire 2020

Cote d'Ivoire is an economic powerhouse in West Africa, posting average growth of 8% between 2011 and 2018. However, the rate of GDP growth in real terms fell to 6.7% in 2019 and is expected to contract to 2.7% in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent widespread shutdowns. Looking to the future, the IMF expects growth to rebound to 8.7% in 2021, highlighting the country’s economic resilience.

The Report: Saudi Arabia 2020

Saudi Arabia’s decision to weaken the link between hydrocarbons and economic growth, and pursue a policy of diversification has seen projects across a range of sectors come to fruition in the last several years. While at present the twin crises presented by the Covid-19 pandemic and the unprecedented plunge in oil prices are causing significant short-term uncertainty, the reforms that have been put in place in recent years should stand the Kingdom in good stead over the longer term.

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