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The Report: Nigeria 2023

Nigeria’s global strategic importance derives from its position as having both Africa’s largest population and economy, a reality undergirded by the entrepreneurial drive of its young population. Despite the lingering effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the economy, aggressive intervention programmes by the Central Bank of Nigeria and support from international partners fuelled a recovery in 2021, with GDP growing 3.6% that year and 3.3% in 2022 after contracting 1.8% in 2020.

The Report: Oman 2023

Due to the hydrocarbons-focused nature of its economy, Oman was not immune to the global shocks of the past decade. The government is therefore pursuing economic diversification, with specific sectors being strategically targeted for development. The authorities have also rolled out a number of new laws in recent years to create a more accommodating legislative environment for investors, and have focused on privatising government-owned enterprises, creating special economic zones and strengthening local representation in the workforce.

The Report: Kuwait 2022

The economy of Kuwait has long been underpinned by the production and export of crude oil. Although the rise in energy prices in 2021-22 boosted government revenue and macroeconomic stability, the Covid-19 pandemic, which preceded the commodity price boom, underscored the risk of over-reliance on an industry subject to fluctuating global demand.

The Report: Saudi Arabia 2022

Saudi Arabia has undergone significant reforms to foster growth and diversification. While some initiatives were delayed during the Covid-19 pandemic, progress in areas such as the digital economy accelerated. Aided by elevated oil prices in 2022, strategies underlined in Vision 2030 continue moving forwards, and the Kingdom today presents ample opportunities for foreign investors, underpinned by efforts to boost private sector participation in the economy.

The Report: Cote d'Ivoire 2022

After achieving a region-leading economic recovery in the decade since political stability was established, future growth and industrialisation strategy will continue to be shaped by the National Development Plan 2021-25, which constitutes a holistic approach to achieving emerging market status and meaningful poverty reduction by 2030.

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