From The Report: Jordan 2012
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With nearly universal levels of basic education and the majority of graduates enrolling in a university, Jordan was ranked fourth in the Middle East and North Africa on the Education Index of the UNDP. Furthermore, the kingdom’s top public universities are ranked among the best in the region, and have been rising in international rankings as well. Jordan is also host to several foreign universities and is attracting an increasing number of international students. However, challenges remain. Public sector salaries for teachers are an issue, with complaints over wages leading to a three-week strike in early 2012. Moreover, ensuring the employability of university students is a priority as graduate unemployment rates rose to 16.2% in 2009, up from 12% in 2008. A number of initiatives are underway to bridge the gap from education to employment.

This chapter includes an interview with Professor Labib Khadra, President of the German-Jordanian University.