Transport & Logistics
From The Report: Misrata 2024
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Despite headwinds ranging from ports and terminal closures and the risk of piracy and theft to Libya’s political division, this critical sector is rebounding amid improved infrastructure and enhanced logistics capabilities, including the rehabilitation of roads and the expansion of airports. Additionally, in recent years several foreign companies have expressed interest in investing in the logistics industry, both in Misrata and country-wide, recognising the potential for growth and development. Given Misrata’s geostrategic location, transport and logistics are an integral part of the local economy, much of which is linked to the Misurata Free Zone and port located in the city. Expansion can be enhanced through increased investment in infrastructure, including roads, ports and airports, as well as improvements in operational efficiency and effectiveness. Regulatory reform and improved governance will be crucial to attracting foreign investment and promoting private sector participation in the logistics industry.

This chapter contains an interview with Muhsen Sigutri, Chairman, Misurata Free Zone.