Industry & Retail
From The Report: Ghana 2024
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Since 2015 industrial subsectors have consistently attracted some of Ghana’s largest inflows of foreign direct investment (FDI), with the country among the top-three in West Africa in terms of FDI since 2006. A proactive industrial policy has helped overcome obstacles such as trade barriers and the availability of industrial land, and the country offers significant development potential to consolidate its position as a centre for industrialisation in the region. In addition, thanks to its emerging middle class and high population growth, Ghana is symbolic of the continent’s ascendancy as an up-and-coming retail destination. This, in turn, should help accelerate fiscal consolidation and digitalisation, both of which are expected to be crucial to Ghana realising its retail potential.

This chapter contains interviews with K T Hammond, Minister of Trade and Industry; George Owusu-Ansah, Managing Director, Unilever Ghana; and Ramesh Sadhwani, Joint Group Managing Director, Melcom Group.