Country Profile
From The Report: Djibouti 2023
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Djibouti, a republic located on the Horn of Africa, is characterised by a young, urbanised and rapidly growing population, which presents opportunities for economic development. Political stability is another key strength, providing a favourable environment for domestic and foreign investment. With its advantageous location between Africa, Asia and the Middle East, Djibouti serves as a crucial centre for international trade and logistics. Its strategic positioning along major shipping routes and well-developed port infrastructure make it an attractive destination for businesses seeking connectivity and access to regional markets. With strategic planning and continued investment in key sectors, Djibouti has the potential to further harness its advantages and drive sustainable economic growth, while boosting the social well-being of its population.

This chapter contains interviews with President Ismaïl Omar Guelleh; Workneh Gebeyehu, Executive Secretary, Intergovernmental Authority on Development; and Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director-General, World Trade Organisation.