Transport & Logistics
From The Report: Colombia 2016
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In the current context of lower commodity prices, the need to improve national transport networks has become even more important, as Colombia works to boost its competitiveness at the international level. Although the transport sector grew by 4.1% in 2014, in June 2015 the National Association of Financial Institutions forecasted that the sector would grow by 2.9% that year, a reflection of the transport infrastructure gaps the country still contends with. Colombia’s rugged geography and the hinterland location of some of its main cities, in particular the capital Bogotá as well as Medellín and Cali, put it at a logistical disadvantage compared to other countries. The World Bank’s “Doing Business 2016” report ranked Colombia 110th of 189 economies for ease of trading across borders, one place better than in 2015 but still well below most of its neighbors.
This chapter includes an interview with Alejandro Costa, General Director, Impala Terminals Colombia.