Banking & Financial Services
From The Report: Algeria 2013
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The banking sector is making steady progress as stability improves and economic growth continues. Banking assets grew by 8.6% in 2012 to AD9.78trn (€92.9bn), although branch access remains relatively limited, with only one bank per 28,000 inhabitants compared to one per 12,000 people in Morocco and one per 9000 in Tunisia. After years of high non-performing loan rates, the central bank is gaining a firmer hold on lending, as well as revitalising the leasing segment through new public housing programmes. The capital markets are expected to benefit from a new raft of initial public offerings. Insurers are also expanding the products on offer, with personal health coverage becoming increasingly popular.

This chapter contains a viewpoint with Mohammed Laksaci, Governor, Bank of Algeria, and interviews with Abdenour Houaoui, General Manager, Arab Leasing Corporation; and Abdelhakim Berrah, President, Commission for Stock Market Organisation and Supervision.