Third Party Event

11 Feb 2016 - 12 Feb 2016

Opportunities for airport contractors, suppliers of airport equipment, management services and other products and services are extraordinary.At the 4th Africa Airport Expansion Summit government officials, investors, civil aviation authorities and airport management groups will go into discussion with consultants, architects, construction companies, equipment providers and service groups, in order to better explore the market and support project development.

Some of the speakers include:

Alexander Herring, Managing Director, Safegate

Komla Kowu Pascal, President at ACI Africa, Advisor to the Chief Executive Officer at Société Aéroportuaire de Lomé Tokoin (SALT)

Baolaing YU, Project Manager, China Airport Construction Corporation (CACC)

Bruno Boucher, Associate Partner, Lufthansa Consulting

Flora Wakola, Chief Air Traffic Control Officer – Kenya Civil Aviation Authority, Head of the EAC Aviation Experts Team

Marcel Langeslag, Project Manager, Netherlands Airport Consultants (NACO)