14 Sep 2018 - 16 Sep 2018
In respect of quality, the Sri Lanka printing, packaging and plastic industry has risen up to the exacting demand of the industry , that its output matches up to any imported printing and packaging material. Due to increase in quality of exports of tea, garment or any other product are printed and packed in packaging and Plastics Material produced in the country has risen up 5% GDP of the country as a whole and even the country is heading towards making Sri Lanka the printing, packaging and plastic hub of Asia.
The Expo is supported by:-
- World Packaging Organisation
- Ministry of Industry and Commerce of Sri Lanka
- Ministry of Industry and Commerce of India
- Sri Lanka Institute of Packaging
- PHD Chamber of Commerce, India
- Packaging Development Centre, Sri Lanka
- The Asian Packaging Federation
- All India Plastics Industrial Association
- Association of Label Printers and Suppliers.
- Organisation of Plastics Processor of India
It’s a meeting point for all Industry professionals to educate their potential buyers on the modern printing, packaging and plastics techniques which is required for the sustainability and value additions to all kind of products that move in the market. Demand for top printing packaging and plastics is rising across all business sectors, as good presentation remains a key factor in effective marketing.
Website: http://www.lankapak.in/
More information Contact: (+91) 9821421132, (+91) 9718534523, (+91) 9910434358