
Gabon's mining sector absorbing the drop in commodity prices

While oil has been the driving engine behind Gabon’s economy since independence, the country’s other underground resources have in many ways been equally prominent. The mining sector has traditionally been a major currency earner for Gabon. The country is the world’s fourth-largest producer of manganese, with reserves of 150m tonnes and production of 1.8m tonnes in 2015. Gabon is thought to have…


Gabon focuses on diversifying industry and supporting local processing

Launched in 2010, the Emerging Gabon Strategic Plan (Plan Stratégique Gabon Emergent, PSGE) aims to reduce Gabon’s reliance on oil production by 2025 through the development of three sectoral-focused pillars: Green Gabon, which targets timber, agriculture and ecotourism; Industrial Gabon, which emphasises value addition through local processing of raw materials; and Gabon Services, which seeks to…


Gabonese government launches ICT initiative and goes digital

Already the most developed market in Central Africa, according to the International Telecommunications Union, the expansion of Gabon’s ICT sector is high on the government’s priority list for the coming years, as it continues to push for economic diversification and private sector development. In 2015 the sector accounted for 5% of the economy, according to the National Agency for Digital Infrastructure…


Abderrahim Koumaa, Director-General, Gabon Telecom; Alain Kahasha, Managing Director, Airtel Gabon; George Akoury, CEO, Azur Gabon: Interview

Interview:Abderrahim Koumaa; Alain Kahasha; George Akoury How has the advent of 4G and high-speed networks affected the local market? ABDERRAHIMKOUMAA: In anticipation of the increased use of data, recent years have seen great investments on our part, not only in 3G and 4G technology, but also in the move towards full internet protocol, and towards extending our national and international…


Gabonese telecoms providers rolling out fibre-optic network

In line with its peers around the continent, Gabon’s telecoms sector is well developed and competitive, with 4G coverage and an overall penetration rate in excess of 100%. The industry is due for a shake-up in the near term, however, with the upcoming acquisition of one of the country’s four mobile operators by a fellow competitor. The merger will reduce Gabon’s four-operator market down to three,…


Gabon looks to address challenges to development in tourism

In a bid to diversify Gabon’s economy away from hydrocarbons, the government has been looking to boost the tourism sector as a means to generate foreign currency, create jobs and promote social and economic development across the country. According to the World Travel & Tourism Council, in 2015 the total (direct and indirect) contribution of travel and tourism to GDP was 2.7%, a figure that authorities…


Gabon's tax legislation and recent amendments

Since it was passed in May 2009, the new general tax code has been regularly modified through finance bills to provide a modernised framework, notably complemented by tax and Customs incentives for strategic sectors of activity. Among other new tax provisions, the Finance Bill 2011 has created an incentive tax regime that is exclusively relevant to groups of companies with a Gabonese holding company.…


Gabon's legal framework amended to incentivise PPPs

In accordance with its liberal economic principles, the country is open to foreign investors, and the rights of free enterprise are guaranteed. 1. General Legal Environment A. Constitution & other sources of rules: Gabon has a civil law structure with a hierarchy of legislation – lower laws need to comply with upper laws. The highest rule is the constitution, ratified in 1991, which provides…


Gabon's natural resources and industries helping create diversified economy

An oil-rich equatorial country in West Africa, Gabon’s abundant natural resources have given it one of the highest per capita incomes in Africa, though lower oil revenues has seen growth contract in recent years. Nonetheless, thousands of kilometres of dense jungle rich in minerals and timber, decades of political stability and strong ties with both the EU and Gabon’s regional neighbours should…


Gabon broadens international ties to further diversify away from hydrocarbons

Unlike many of its regional neighbours, Gabon’s independence from its colonial European government did not result in years of civil conflict. Today, the country stands as one of the most wealthy nations in sub-Saharan Africa, which it largely owes to its robust hydrocarbons reserves. President Ali Bongo Ondimba has served as head of state for the past seven years – following the death in 2009 of…