CEO Survey Analysis

ZLEC: le seuil de ratifications atteint: que va-t-il se passer maintenant?

In English Il y a un an, alors qu’Oxford Business Group publiait son premier Business Barometer: sondage auprès des PDG du continent africain, près de cinquante nations ont signé un accord visant à créer la plus grande zone de libre-échange au monde : la Zone de libre échange continentale (ZLEC). Suite à la ratification du traité début avril par la Gambie, qui a permis d’atteindre le…

CEO Survey in Figures

Business Barometer: OBG CEO Survey en Afrique

In English Business Barometer: OBG in Africa CEO Survey Copyright (c). All rights reserved. This survey has been designed to assess business sentiment amongst business leaders (chief executives or equivalent) and their outlook for the next 12 months. Unlike many surveys, the OBG Business Barometer is conducted by OBG staff on a face-to-face basis, across the full range of industries, company sizes…


Blockchain finding applications that could revolutionise global trade and provide opportunities for the developing world

Blockchain – the distributed-ledger technology that underpins cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin – appears set to transform a wide variety of industries and perhaps fundamentally change the way business is conducted across the global economy. While the technology is still taking off, and not everyone is convinced about its potential, many emerging markets are hoping that it will allow them…