Covid Response Report

Rapport : Comment le PE et le VC peuvent stimuler la croissance post-pandémique en Afrique

La pandémie a créé un besoin urgent de plus de capital patient en Afrique. Les gouvernements de tout le continent étant confrontés à des contraintes budgétaires tout en reconnaissant l'importance des investissements dans les infrastructures et les services essentiels, le PE et le VC offrent une voie intéressante pour le soutien financier. La pandémie a également accéléré la numérisation…

Economic News

Private Equity in Africa: funding the gap and stimulating the economy

The African PE industry has become increasingly complex and diverse, with the arrival of global institutional investors in recent years paving the way for some of the world’s largest firms to enter the market. Between 2014 and 2019 the total value of the 1053 PE deals reported in Africa reached $25.4bn. While deal volumes have maintained an upward trend, their value has gradually…

Economic News

Rethinking the future of the agriculture sector through sustainability and modernisation

En Français For many countries across Africa, agriculture remains one of the most important sectors of the economy. Agriculture accounts for 14% of total GDP in sub-Saharan Africa, and a majority of the continent’s population is employed in the sector. In addition, export crops such as coffee, tobacco, oranges, fruit and cotton are important sources of foreign exchange for…