
Peru targets corruption and red tape in legal reforms

Peru has maintained the legal framework adopted by the constitution of 1993, favouring a free market economy designed to promote and attract private investments. Indeed, it is through this framework that Peru has seen almost three decades of uninterrupted economic growth, despite the effects of the global financial crisis of 2008. Fight Againts Corruption Nevertheless, there have been some…


Peru embarks of taxation and formalisation efforts to meet deficit targets

Peru has made progress in reducing its fiscal deficit, bringing it down from 3.1% of GDP in 2017 to 2.5% in 2018, before reducing it further to 2.1% in February 2019, according to the Central Reserve Bank of Peru. Furthermore, Scotiabank Perú, the local subsidiary of the Canada-based financial institution, has forecast the deficit will be reduced to 2% by the end of 2019. The expansion of…


Irrigation key to agricultural expansion in Peru

Against a backdrop of increasingly severe climate events, inefficient and small-scale irrigation systems, and an untrained workforce, government intervention in farming is poised to play an important role in maintaining and improving the country’s agricultural output. Although Peru has access to nearly 2% of the world’s freshwater, its irrigation systems urgently need to be modernised,…


Operators invest in broadband network infrastructure in Peru

The development of infrastructure is vital to Peru’s goal of increasing the percentage of the population connected to the internet. Consultancy and research firm Analysys Mason estimates that Peru requires $35bn of investment in digital infrastructure by 2025 for the country’s internet connectivity level to match that averaged by OECD nations. To that end, the Ministry of Transport and…


Everything you need to know before visiting Peru

Etiquette Given Peru’s rich historical and ethnic heritage, its culture is diverse and varies from region to region. Peruvians are generally polite and friendly, and strong friendships often go a long way in opening doors and securing opportunities in the business world. Standard business attire is the same as in the US or Europe. Customary greetings are one kiss on the cheek between both…


The digital economy creates widespread opportunities in emerging markets

More and more commercial transactions are moving online and the so-called digital economy continues to expand its reach into every facet of the traditional analogue economy. For businesses, this means they have access to new channels to reach existing clients as well as new opportunities to expand market share with a competitive digital offering. For consumers, the ever-expanding digital economy…


The changing global migration patterns are opening opportunities for the developing world

As the world’s nations and businesses become increasingly interconnected, so too does the flow of global migration. According to the OECD’s “International Migration Outlook 2018”, in 2017 some 258m people resided in a country other than the one they were born in and more than 5m foreign-born persons were permanently settled in OECD countries. This flow of people not only brings benefits…


Peru's fiscal policy and increased investment spark economic growth

Across a range of metrics Peru has emerged as one of the best performing economies in Latin America. The country possesses strong fundamentals, combining robust growth, a falling fiscal deficit, rising export revenue and a credit rating second only to that of Chile. Nevertheless, challenges remain in terms of ensuring sustainable development. The country has undoubtedly benefitted from its…


Solid financials and operations position Peruvian banks for expansion

The banking crises of the 1980s and 1990s have left Peru with a highly concentrated, conservative banking system that is on one of the region’s most solid foundations, boasting strong capital and liquidity. The sector has retained a positive outlook from global credit ratings agency Moody’s since November 2017, which last reaffirmed this view in October 2018, predicting a recovery in loan…


Peru's stock exchange needs increased capitalisation and liquidity to reach potential

Peru has become a beacon of macroeconomic stability in Latin America, with top-notch credit ratings and an admirable inflation record. However, while the Lima Stock Exchange (Bolsa de Valores de Lima, BVL) is one of the oldest among Latin America’s major economies, having been founded in 1860, it is also one of the smallest. The development of Peru’s capital markets has not kept pace with…