EcoNews: Agriculture en Afrique Etat des lieux des domaines à exploiter
En Français Business Barometer: OBG in Africa CEO Survey Copyright (c). All rights reserved. This survey has been designed to assess business sentiment amongst business leaders (chief executives or equivalent) and their outlook for the next 12 months. Unlike many surveys, the OBG Business Barometer is conducted by OBG staff on a face-to-face basis, across the full range of industries, company…
While world trade is in the midst of a turbulent period – with US-China relations continuing to deteriorate, the UK disengaging from the EU, and currencies in emerging markets like Turkey and Argentina in turmoil – many countries are seeking to strengthen or foster new relations with Africa. Between early July and the end of August France’s President Emmanuel Macron, Germany’s Chancellor Angela…
Gabon’s economy has reached a critical juncture in 2016, with the drop in global oil prices having increased the need for and urgency of economic diversification, while reducing the availability of public financing to back the transformation. Under the now seven-year-old economic strategy, the Emerging Gabon Strategic Plan, the government has hastened efforts to expand the scope of economic activity,…
In English Business Barometer: OBG in Africa CEO Survey Copyright (c). All rights reserved. This survey has been designed to assess business sentiment amongst business leaders (Chief Executives or equivalent) and their outlook for the next 12 months. Unlike many surveys, the OBG Business Barometer is conducted by OBG staff on a face-to-face basis, across the full range of industries, company sizes…
In English Le mois dernier, 44 nations africaines se sont réunies à Kigali pour signer un accord prévoyant la mise en place de la plus grande zone de libre-échange au monde depuis la création de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce en 1995. L’Afrique est-elle prête pour une telle entente? Et dans quelle mesure cette zone de libre-échange continentale (ZLEC) pourra-t-elle améliorer le commerce…
In French Last month, 44 African nations gathered in Kigali to sign an agreement establishing a framework for the world’s largest free trade area (FTA) since the creation of the World Trade Organisation in 1995 – but how ready is Africa for such a deal? And to what extent will the Continental FTA (CFTA) be able to enhance intra-regional trade? The deal aims to establish a single continental market…
In French Business Barometer: OBG in Africa CEO Survey Copyright (c). All rights reserved. This survey has been designed to assess business sentiment amongst business leaders (Chief Executives or equivalent) and their outlook for the next 12 months. Unlike many surveys, the OBG Business Barometer is conducted by OBG staff on a face-to-face basis, across the full range of industries, company sizes…
In English Le récent lancement d’un guichet unique pour les investisseurs au Gabon constitue la dernière initiative en date destinée à améliorer l’environnement des affaires et à relancer l’économie. Le système de guichet unique vise à simplifier les démarches administratives en regroupant plusieurs administrations et services sous un même toit, notamment la Caisse Nationale…
So much has happened over the past decade in the African markets we cover: Ghana discovered oil, Nigeria re-based its economy, Kenya developed mobile money, Côte d’Ivoire recovered from a civil war, Egypt underwent a peaceful revolution, and Morocco created an aeronautics industry. State assets were privatised, dictators were ousted, and new cities were built. Of course, there have been plenty…