Interview: Mohammed Al Mannai

What does the government hope to achieve with the launch of Digital Agenda 2030?

MOHAMMED AL MANNAI: The goal is to position Qatar as a global technological centre, leveraging fields like artificial intelligence to foster innovation and transformation across industries. We aim to drive Qatar’s competitiveness and prosperity by embracing digital advancement, and establishing a digital economy that features a conducive business environment and high-yield digital investment opportunities. This strategy seeks to revolutionise governance, economics and society by enhancing efficiency, transparency and accessibility through streamlined e-government services. Additionally, we aim to cultivate a skilled workforce, promote social inclusion and empower individuals to thrive in the digital era.

On which principles are the key pillars of the country’s Digital Agenda 2030 based?

AL MANNAI: Digital Agenda 2030 has six essential tenets, each contributing to the strategy. At its core lies the commitment to maintain digital infrastructure and ensure Qatar’s continued leadership in technology adoption, while prioritising security and sustainability. Complementing this is the aim of fostering a digital economy, and utilising the adoption of virtual tools to fuel growth and establish Qatar as a globally competitive digital centre.

Simultaneously, the agenda places a strong emphasis on digital innovation, with its goal being to nurture Qatar’s related ecosystem through robust research and development efforts, and significant funding opportunities. Additionally, the desire to establish effective digital government services is expected to position Qatar as a leader in such facets, prioritising the experience of using such services for citizens, residents, businesses and institutions.

Moreover, digital technologies are integral to Digital Agenda 2030. The intention is to promote the accelerated development and adoption of advanced technologies, while establishing robust data foundations under appropriate regulation. Finally, the agenda envisions the cultivation of a future-facing digital society, helping Qatar excel in an interconnected, globalised landscape by fostering related skills, and disseminating the country’s expertise and achievements on a global scale.

How can stakeholders help achieve the Third National Development Strategy (NDS-3) within the framework of Digital Agenda 2030?

AL MANNAI: Since 2008 Qatar has been pursuing an expansive vision for its future. The country’s aspirations are deeply rooted in Qatar National Vision 2030, while the initiatives to achieve these goals are delineated in the NDS-3, which sets forth strategic priorities and provides a comprehensive framework for the country from 2024 to 2030. The development strategy delineates seven major outcomes, accompanied by targets that represent critical priorities for realising Qatar’s various goals by 2030. Throughout the course of the NDS-3 careful attention is set to be devoted to anticipating potential challenges, as well as to seizing any opportunities that may arise during the decades beyond 2030.

Within the context of the NDS-3, digital transformation is a pivotal aspect of the country’s ongoing efforts to achieve its national goals. Recognising the widespread influence of technology in every aspect of life, we understand the imperative towards a widespread transformation that is in line with our increasingly digitised society. Therefore, to effectively position our economy for long-term sustainability and prosperity, it is imperative that we adopt an explicit strategy that embraces the digital future. As an essential pillar of Qatar’s long-term development efforts, the NDS-3 calls for the launch of Digital Agenda 2030 to propel the country forwards.