Economic View

On how emerging technologies can provide efficient solutions to key challenges

How have technology providers adjusted their business strategies to align with global economic and industrial trends?

GEORGY GEORGIEV: Qatar’s advancements in automation are noteworthy, with opportunities for digitalisation and the implementation of smart operational practices continually expanding. The vision of full autonomy has been brought closer by artificial intelligence (AI), but it is necessary to identify the business value of adopting AI solutions and take a step-by-step approach to implementing them. AI can be seen as a crucial component in building a pathway to autonomy within the industrial sector.

Where do you identify opportunities for technology providers to leverage the internet of things and AI to create efficient solutions for both smart industrial processes and smart city infrastructure?

GEORGIEV: The global spotlight is firmly on AI and its transformative impact on economies and societies. The journey toward achieving robust and sustainable autonomy involves progressive stages of development, with a strong emphasis on ensuring safety and resilience. While full autonomy remains a goal yet to be fully realised in industries like aviation and oil and gas, AI is instrumental in addressing critical challenges such as shortages in skilled labour, knowledge retention and the need for swift decision-making.

To harness the power of AI effectively, companies must focus on unlocking data for predictive maintenance, designing systems with AI compatibility at the core, and strategically deploying AI to boost operational efficiency and precision. This strategic approach involves leveraging AI for predictive maintenance, optimising energy management, enhancing data security, elevating safety standards and refining product or service quality. It also entails proactive design considerations for AI integration, implementing necessary adaptations to maximise its advantages, and identifying opportunities where AI can streamline processes, and enhance speed, efficiency and accuracy.Top of Form

To what extent are technology companies seeking to leverage innovation to address environmental challenges?

GEORGIEV: In the face of escalating global demand for sustainable solutions, technology firms are intensifying their efforts to deploy innovative tools to tackle environmental challenges. Qatar, along with other MENA countries, has made significant sustainability pledges. For instance, the Qatar National Environment and Climate Change Strategy outlines a target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2030. This commitment was showcased in 2023 at the COP28 UN Conference on Climate Change in the UAE, where Qatar announced the establishment of a committee for climate change and sustainability, emphasising its dedication to reducing its carbon footprint.

In what ways have technology providers collaborated with aviation authorities and industry stakeholders to introduce new technologies to the aviation ecosystem?

GEORGIEV: Sustainability remains a central focus in the aviation sector. Globally, the aviation industry aims to reduce emissions by 50% by 2050, with 2005 figures as the baseline. Through collaborative efforts with stakeholders to reach this milestone, technology providers are placing a particular emphasis on power generation, electric propulsion, hydrogen fuel cells and sustainable aviation fuel. Moreover, AI is poised to address the projected global shortage of 85,000 pilots by 2032, as estimated by the International Air Transport Association. AI promises to enhance operational efficiency by enabling a single pilot to perform tasks previously requiring a crew of two. Acknowledging the necessity for both incremental improvements and breakthrough innovation, we are collaborating with customers, partners and suppliers to serve the extensive installed base of aircraft in Qatar, and address the needs of emerging models, including electric and hybrid-electric aircraft.