Third Party Event

26 Apr 2016 - 27 Apr 2016

The Kingdom Big Data & Analytics Summit, to be held for the first time in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, is nearly upon us, and new and exciting additions and developments have transpired, further establishing the summit as a must-attend event for government and private entities throughout the Kingdom.

To be held on the 26th – 27th of April 2016 at the Marriott Hotel, the summit will bring global visionaries and key figures from the IT industry together to highlight the importance of Big Data & Analytics to government and organisations within Saudi Arabia and GCC region, as part of a strategy geared towards innovation, productivity, sustainability and efficiency.

Higlighted Speakers:

  • Amy Gaskins, Big Data Project Director National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
  • Larry Fallin, Managing Director, Berkeley Research Group
  • Hosam K. Rowaihy, PhD, Director, Information Technology Centre, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM)
  • Munthir Al-Ansari, Director General of Tourism Information, Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage

Why you should attend –

You will:

•        Understand how your business can use Big Data to drive business growth and profit

•        Discover how data analytics will change the way you make your products, market your services or engage with your customers

•        Learn from the success of early Big Data adopters in the region and abroad

•        Find out how 20 Big Data use cases drive business performance for the world’s biggest telecommunications companies

•        Understand how data science creates value for major oil and gas companies, airlines, banks and government agencies

•        Get inside tips from the best in the business on how to keep your customers engaged and loyal

The summit is the only platform in the region for exchanging industry ideas, knowledge sharing and peer review.