12 Dec 2013
Oxford Business Group is pleased to announce its media partnership with the IFN Thailand Roadshow which will be held on 12 December, in Thailand. In this respect we send you the following message from the conference organisers:
Dear Oxford Business Group Subscribers,
IFN Thailand Roadshow 2013
Click here for more information
The Roadshow will include these topics:
- Developing innovative Islamic retail, fund management and Takaful products for the domestic and international market
- The way forward: potential opportunities and challenges in achieving growth in the Islamic finance sector
Accelerating the growth of Thailand’s Islamic capital market
Keynote speakers:
- Kamran Sherwani – Head of Sharia Training, Dar Al Sharia Legal and Financial Consultancy
- Nicholas Edmondes – Partner, Trowers & Hamlins
- Shah Fahad – Vice President and Specialist, Product Development and Sharia, Islamic Bank of Thailand
- SM Aamir Shamim – Senior Vice President – Treasury & Investments, Islamic Bank of Thailand
- Zati Sankhavanija – President & Chief Executive Officer, Amanah Leasing Public Company Limited, Thailand
If you have an active interest in this industry, we invite you to register FREE at our website today!
Registration is complimentary and attendance is subject to confirmation.