19 Aug 2019 - 20 Aug 2019
“Digitization of the banking sector: en route to a cashless Africa”
Organized by the International Center for Strategic Alliances, the Digital Banking Summit 2019 will bring forth a C-level platform focused on global trends and disruptions, as well as on how market players can spot opportunities and respond to threats. This will be a gathering that focuses on the big issues, from Fintech Disruption and Financial Inclusion to Blockchain and Regtech.
The main focus of this two-day summit will be the fields of Digital Business, Online Banking, Fintech and Digital Innovation in the sector, as well as Emerging Payment Methods.
The banking industry’s efforts to shift to digital channels have been sporadic at best. In light of financial pressures and global economic uncertainties, it is increasingly urgent that the industry adopts an all-inclusive approach to going digital, and integrate that strategy across the banking ecosystem. Embracing a fully digital strategy requires end-to-end modernization of a bank’s infrastructure. Equally importantly, it requires a transition from an account-based view of banking customers to one that sees them as individuals, enhancing the customer experience with relevant, convenient and personalized products and services.
The Digital Banking Summit 2019 brings together experts in banking, digital transformation and customer experience to discuss, deliberate and share best practices. Up to 250 senior experts from the banking industry will attend, from members of the board to C-level executives, senior vice presidents, vice presidents, directors and heads of departments.
With keynotes, candid conversations, fireside chats, panels and focus sessions, the summit aims to outline challenges and opportunities within the industry. The content has been curated to educate, inspire and empower leaders to advance pioneering strategies and integration, effectively cultivating their bottom line.
For more information click here.