22 Nov 2012
Oxford Business Group is pleased to announce its media partnership with the 10th Annual South African & African Capital Markets Conference which will be held on 22 – 23 November, in South Africa. In this respect we send you the following message from the conference organisers:
Dear Oxford Business Group Subscribers,
IMN’s 10th Annual South African & African Capital Markets Conference
November 22-23, 2012
The Westin Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
Conference Website: http://www.imn.org/Conference/South-African-Capital-Markets-Conference/Home.html
Register today to ensure your place at the forefront of developments and investment opportunities in the African & South African Capital Markets.
Issuers & Investors Qualify for a Reduced Rate
Call: +1 212-224-3428 / +44 (0) 207 779 8999
Email: hotline@imn.org
Co-Host: International Finance Corporation
The conference is co-hosted by IFC, a member of the World Bank Group and the largest global development institution focused exclusively on the private sector. IFC helps developing countries achieve sustainable growth by financing investment, mobilizing capital in international financial markets, and providing advisory services to businesses and governments.
Developing domestic capital markets and local currency finance is a key part of IFC’s strategy to support private sector development in emerging markets, particularly in Africa. For more information visit http://www.ifc.org
Advisory Board Members:
- Megan McDonald. Head Structured Capital Markets Group, STANDARD BANK
- Andrew Costa, Head Debt Capital Markets, STANDARD BANK
- Barry Martin, Debt Capital Markets – Co-Head, RAND MERCHANT BANK
- Bruce Stewart, Head: Debt Origination, NEDBANK CAPITAL
- Prasanna Nana, Head of DCM South Africa, ABSA CAPITAL
- Andre Pottas, Partner: Infrastructure Advisory & Debt Advisory Leader, DELOITTE & TOUCHE
- Sharyn Zall, Conduit Manager, INVESTEC BANK LIMITED
- John Doidge, Managing Director, GMG TRUST COMPANY (SA) (PTY) LTD
Line-up of Speakers Includes:
- Simon Howie, Head of Credit, INVESTEC ASSET MANAGEMENT
- Kate Rushton, Head of Credit, STANLIB
- Nelis Zeelie, Manager Treasury, BMW FINANCE
- Mike Brunke, Director, Securitisation, STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA
- Juliet Jones, Director/Trader, BARCLAYS CAPITAL
- Bronwyn Blood, Portfolio Manager, CADIZ ASSET MANAGEMENT
- Brendan Harmse, Chairman; Director, SASF; GMG TRUST COMPANY (SA)
- Marshall Brown, Portfolio Manager, INVESTEC
- Jonathan Myerson, Manager, CADIZ ASSET MANAGEMENT
- Marianna Papadopoulas, Funding Manager, TRANSNET
- Assessing the Impact of Global Economic Events on the Local Financial Markets
- Aligning Investor and Issuer Interests: The Debate Over Transparency, Covenance and Global Best Practices
- The Current Regulatory, Accounting and Legislative Environment in South Africa
- Assessing the Importance & Value of an NRSRO rating
- Outlook for ABS Issuance in South Africa
- Local Investor Perspectives: Chasing Yield in a Challenging Environment
- Convertible Bonds: Trends and Strategies Going Forward
- The Return of the ABCP Market
- New Alternative Financing Options for Parastatals
- Assessing the Impact of Increased Foreign Investment into South Africa
- Exploring the Potential for the Local High Yield Bond Market in South Africa
- Secondary Market Liquidity and Trading: The Role of Africa’s National Exchanges
- African Debt Capital Markets: Exploring Opportunities in the Final Frontier of Emerging Markets
- Considerations for First Time African Issuers Accessing International Markets
- Outlook for Bond Issuance Across Africa: Regulatory Developments and Other Challenges to Developing a Local DCM and Attracting Foreign Investment
- The Offshore Investor: Outlook for Investing Opportunities in Emerging Africa
Program Topics Include:
Local Markets Focus:
Emerging African Markets Coverage:
View Agenda: http://www.imn.org/Conference/South-African-Capital-Markets-Conference/Agenda.html
Sponsorship & Speaking Opportunities:
For sponsorship opportunities, please contact Christopher Arnold at +1 212.901.0544 or carnold@imn.org
For speaking opportunities, please contact, Jade Friedensohn at +1 212.901.0560 or jfriedensohn@imn.org
For more information and registration details, please visit
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